
Coordinator: Interdisciplinary centre for mathematical and computational modelling

Interdisciplinary centre for mathematical and computational modelling is simultaneously a centre of scientific research, a research centre in computational sciences and an education centre in computational science and modelling. The principle areas of research include the mathematical methods of modelling of non-linear processes in multiscale systems. As a Supercomputers Centre ICM makes its resources: high power computers, professional graphic stations and specialised software available to the Polish scientific community. As the centre of the Virtual Science Library programme ICM develops and makes available a wide range of publications, electronic information resources and scientific data. ICM’s operations are a significant element of the programme for the development of scientific IT infrastructure in Poland.

Forest Research Institute

Forest Research Institute, in accordance with the statutory objectives, conducts research and development in the field: afforestation and forest regeneration, maintenance, use, and ecology, conservation, genetics and economics and forest policy. The Institute is actively involved in the development, to bodies of state power, legislation and other documents, including those resulting from international conventions and agreements, as well as the National Forest Policy.

Research Institute of Horticulture

The research programme of Research Institute of Horticulture covers all areas related to fruit, vegetable, ornamental plant and bee sciences, from basic studies on physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology, through biotechnology, creative breeding, protection of genetic resources, agronomy, plant pathology, fruit and vegetable storage and processing, food safety, horticultural engineering, economics and marketing. Since all of the fruit and many vegetable plants are entomophilous and require bees for pollination, bee science was also included in the Institute’s programme.

The Institute of Oceanography of the University of Gdansk

The Institute of Oceanography of the University of Gdansk is the institution of higher education in Poland that trains students in oceanography, environmental protection and geology and that conducts interdisciplinary scientific research in the coastal zone of the shelf seas. The research programmes cover ecological problems in the Baltic Sea, in particular its southern coastal waters. Special emphasis is placed on investigations into the state of the environment and on anthropogenic changes.