The objective of PROZA is developing the solution which minimize the risk of damage to the economy resulting from weather conditions, and on the other hand they allow for the planning and optimization of costs dependent on the weather (energy, agriculture, maritime economy).
The general objective of the project is decrease of a risk of decision-making dependending on changing atmospheric conditions.
The most important task for the Institute of Oceanography of the University of Gdansk is intended to provide a forecast of Baltic Sea hydrodynamic conditions.
Physical parameters of the Baltic Sea available on the project website:
- Significant Wave Height and Wave Direction
- Wave Mean Period
- Wave Peak Period
- Wind Speed
In the current version of the operating model meteorological data from Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM) is being used. Hydrodynamic conditions are modelled on a dedicated serverusing the following models developed by and operating in IOUG – nested WAM models (Wave Model) in a regional scale (Baltic and Southern Baltic), and SWAN – in a local scale (the Bay of Gdansk and the Bay of Pomerania, direct surroundings of port), and 3-dimensional hydrodynamic POM model (Princeton Ocean Model).
The PROZA project is carried out by a Consortium made up of four partners:
- Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw (ICM)
- The Forest Research Institute (IBL)
- The Research Institute of Horticulture (IO)
- The Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdansk (IOUG)